We accomplish the spatial spreading of the beam by passing it through a Ta diffuser foil. Lower energies can also be obtained by choosing a proton energy combined with a proper diffuser foil to give an acceptable beam energy spread. Typically, we can maintain the spread below 600 KeV.
Our facility can obtain any flux within a range of 1 to 1010 p/cm2-s, well within the range of 104 to 109 p/cm2-s that is typically used for testing the effects of radiation exposure on electronics.
We provide a compound x-y table that can be remotely controlled for locating the DUT. The table is 61 cm x 91.4 cm (24” x 36”), with a range on translation of 18.72 cm and 49.76 cm (7.37” and 19.59”) in the X and Y directions, respectively. Two perpendicular laser beams are used to align positioning of the DUT within the beam.
A vacuum box—41.9 cm x 41.9 cm x 63.5 cm (16.5” x 16.5” x 25”) width/depth/height—can be attached at the end of the beam line to make it possible to use a proton beam lower than 7 MeV without inducing the energy spreading created by the exit foil or air path.
A secondary electron emission monitor (SEEM) combined with a removable Faraday Cup is used to directly measure beam dosimetry. Beam uniformity is monitored with a segmented secondary electron emission monitor (SSEEM).
For additional information on the radiation effects facility or to schedule an experiment please contact:
- E-mail: cyclotron@ucdavis.edu
Mail: Crocker Nuclear Laboratory, University Of California, Davis CA 95616-8569